Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
The Message (MSG)
Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns.
2 Don't hoard your goods; spread them around.
Be a blessing to others. This could be your last night.
3-4 When the clouds are full of water, it rains.
When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls.
Don't sit there watching the wind. Do your own work.
Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life.
5 Just as you'll never understand
the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman,
So you'll never understand
the mystery at work in all that God does.
6 Go to work in the morning
and stick to it until evening without watching the clock.
You never know from moment to moment
how your work will turn out in the end.
The other day, I was taking a walk when I came across a single crocus blooming in the middle of moss and a huge puddle of water. I thought to myself "What a great photo opportunity!" But I relucted to take picture because there were a lot of people around and it just felt awkward. So I told myself I'd snap a picture on my way back around. Well, I ended up getting distracted and I forgot on my way back. I figured I'd just get it tomorrow. Except when tomorrow rolled was gone. I had lost my chance to capture the beauty of the moment.
It kinda goes like that in our relationship with Christ. We are not promised tomorrow. In fact, we are not promised the next second, minute, hour,etc. All we have is THIS MOMENT. Right here, right now. We can't be reluctant with what God has commanded us to do. We can't be fearful about what others might think. We might not be given another moment, another chance to be obedient. We MUST Carpe Diem. We must seize the day while it's still available to us. That means loving others, spreading the Gospel, and following His commands. Being a follower of Christ is rarely easy, but the risks we take for His cause come with rewards are better than we can even imagine. So seize the day. Make use of what He has given.
Hebrews 3:13
New Living Translation (NLT)